Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Friend Tracy

My friend and cousin, Tracy Glatz and her family came to NC to visit and do some researching while on vacation.  Tracy and I spent the day researching in Mitchell County, NC and visiting a few cemeteries.  She is as addicted to Family Researching as I am.  I have known her about 10 years, before she had her two pretty little girls, right after she was first married.  This is the first time we ever met and it was so great.  We both descend from the Grindstaff Family, a very large family that came from Germany in the 1700's.  I was accepted into the DAR in 2009 on this family line.  I was so excited to finally meet Tracy and her family.

Monday, July 9, 2012

If we keep expanding our family tree, doubling the number of grandparents with each generation, in 38 generations we have approximately 256 billion grandparents – a number that exceeds more than all the humans who ever inhabited the earth.  We exist on a tiny branch of the one human tree.